Thursday 3 March 2016

Excessive access. Who cares?

Quite often an app, especially a free one, requires an excessive access. If I can tolerate the absurdity of the access list I install the app if not… well, I just look for another app. Recently I came across a very greedy app. I could not pass by.

Installs: 10,000,000 - 50,000,000. Number of people rated the app as 4.2: 335,888

It could be that a keyboard cannot work without all this info and access or the app works only for good people… So it should learn first who I am and who my friends are.

In any case I’d prefer another app:

P.S. There is another interesting detail. The info below is not available if you are installing the app directly on a device. You could see it on your PC: Flash Keyboard on Google Play

and one more time:
Installs: 10,000,000 - 50,000,000.
Number of people rated the app as 4.2: 335,888

Stay calm. Be cool.